Togwells Publishing grew out of Mary Bridgman's desire to see the story of Ellen Acland of Broadclyst, Devon reappear in print again after a vacation of more than a half century. Then my father passed away, a man of 94 years having spent most of those years as a Christian preacher and pilgrim man of peace. Rev. Bill Lake made more than four pilgimages which he recorded faithfully and which eventually Togwells Publishing will publish. He inspired me to write Wuh Lax and the Cosmic Lantern, the first in a series of books describing the British tradition of pilrimages begun early in the pre-Christian era. In fact, early in civilization itself, a lot of which goes unsung.

Scratches from sketches is a relatively new blogspot that has grown out of the Wuh Lax experience. It is eclectic, which means that it might consider just about anything from the simple to the extremely difficult. A scratch can be something that is troubling me or a short line on paper. From a scratch comes a verbal sketch or image sketch of the issue or subject. Other sites have other stuff that should really be of interest to the broad reader. I try to develop themes, but variety often comes before depth. ... more!

Saturday 26 February 2011

A Tribute to My Loyal Blog Readers - Thank you from Wooh!

I am celebrating a milestone for my blog commemorating 200 relatively loyal readers!

Writing a daily blog is addictive. Fortunately, it is not done in secret. Some will have noticed that I point to other people's blogs and news a lot. That's the beauty of the Internet. It leads to an economy of search, if used correctly. I don't always have to write a lot, but I do have to know what I am about. My main message is that even if your death is near, you still have a lot to live for, and your death is not the final end to your existence. This realisation that one is an enormously powerful entity should never escape you, even when you feel weak and helpless. You are a phoenix and will rise again. Death is only a temporary trap as you regroup. However, there are no maidens or knights waiting for you as you cross over. That you must do here on earth. There is calm and then disturbance and you begin anew. All your energy is not lost, but it is transformed and recaptured into the new you. You are never totally alone. You have companions in your journey, which you can choose to ignore if you wish. Most do! Throughout their whole lives they ignore their travelling companions assuming they are not there, but they are. These guardians of your being are a necessary part of your existence and never leave. They remain and they can connect you to the College of Light, a fountain of infinite possibilities, plus! You are aware of the fountain in your dreams as visions streaming before your eyes, connections to universes of worlds, you have yet to see. While on earth, it was Wuh, the wind that gave you insight and life, a rude blow of molecules, but beyond and through the fountain of the College of Light, there is the World of the Great Spring, the Unveiling of the Truth, the Source of Being, the Almighty Cloud of the Unknowing, the Boss! What happens is that you enter a non-molecular world, a world trillions and trillions of times smaller than your present world. It carries your whole being as a stream, not a Wooh stream, but a stream of what makes up light, not photons, but infinitely massless and minute waves. Your whole earthly life remains forever as a resource for the Boss, so be good!

Love Wooh

Woohs stream at taps into many streams of thought and action. Nearby yoga at taps into human body movement using yoga techniques and Kundalini meditation. At Togwells Publishing we focus on people's notions of pilgrimage of body, mind, and soul, Whatever your beliefs, there is no end to motion, just evolution and unrelenting change, seen or unseen. Energy is motion both in reality and calculation. Take time to rest even though all inside you is always moving. Your massive relative pause gives opportunity for other smaller streams to catch up. Take time to meditate so that you can see with your mind what lies within and beyond.